Hatha Sadhana: Hip Mobility

Day-1 of the Hatha Sadhana Program, this first intermediate/ advanced level session is well-rounded, with added focus given to hip mobility. Class Outline: - Opening Mantra - Table Top Wrist Warm-up - Cat Cows - Malasana (yogi squat) variations - Surya Namaskar - Reclining Stretches + Twist - Sirsasana (headstand) - Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) - Halasana (plow) - Matsyasana (fish pose) - Janu Sirsasana Variations - Half Pigeon - Half Spinal Twist - Bhujangasana - Childs Pose - Titibhasana - Final Relaxation - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama