Functional Hatha Flow

Begin your practice with authentic mantra and anuloma viloma. Flow through multiple rounds of Surya Namaskar and asana including sarvangasana, chakrasana and a beautiful final relaxation. Class Outline - Initial Relaxation - Opening Mantra - Anuloma Viloma - Table Top Cat Cows - Down Dog Check-in - Standing Forward Fold - Surya Namaskar - High Crescent Lunge - Warrior Positions - 3-Legged Dog - Light Core Work - Modified Splits - Standing Balance Poses - Hand Balance Options - Reclining Core Work - Reclining Leg Stretches - Sarvangasana - Halasana (plow) - Bridge Pose - Wheel (option) - Matsyasana (fish) - Butterfly Pose - Crow Pose - Guided Final Relaxation - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama