All-Levels Hatha Flow

This well-rounded flow features minimal instruction. Begin with chanting, sun salutations and leg-strengthening asanas. Move through balance challenges, hip openers and twisting postures. Tie everything together with a rejuvenating final relaxation. Class Outline: - Opening Mantra - Table Top Check-in - Down Dog Check-in - Standing Forward Fold - Surya Namaskar - High Crescent Lunge - Warrior Positions - Modified Splits - Standing Balance Poses - Malasana (yogi squat) - Functional Squat Patterns - Crow Pose - Half Pigeon - Half Spinal Twist - Butterfly Pose - Paschimottanasana - Reverse Table Top - Guided Final Relaxation - with tense + release - and auto suggestion - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama