Advanced Functional Hatha

Complete with energizing shaking, powerful wrist prep, modified Surya Namaskar and an intelligent series designed to strengthen and lengthen the full body. Class Outline: - Opening Comments - Initial Relaxation - Opening Mantra - Basic Shaking - Multi-Dimensional Wrists - Modified Sun Salutation A - 1st Knuckle Raises - Sun Salutation A - Handstand Options - Outer Hip Opener - Side Plank - Lizard Lunge Variations - Down Dog to Crow - Malasana - Press Walks - High Crescent Lunge - Functional Lunging - Warrior Positions - Knees to Navasana - Static Plank - Functional Cobra - Childs Pose - Sirsasana - Kneeling Awareness - 3-Legged Options - Modified Splits - EPK Push-ups - SASS Lifts - Lateral Childs - Supine Stretches - Final Relaxation - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama