Hatha Vinyasa Challenger

In this 55-minute practice, Rama offers effective guidance to help ensure wrists, shoulders and other sensitive joints stay safe while still providing moments of challenge. Class Description: - Table Top Wrist Warm-Up - Down Dog Arrival - High Lunge - Lounging Lizard - Standing Forward Fold - Sun Salutation A - Chair Twist - Revolved Side Angle - 3-Legged Core - Lizard Lunge - Malasana - Traveling Crow - Reclining Core Work - Navasana - Sirsasana - Optional Wide Leg Roll to: - Shoulderstand Sequence - Bridge Transition - Seated Forward Fold - Half Lotus Fold - L-Sit - Marichyasana Challenge - Closing Postures - Final Relaxation

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama