Hatha Sadhana: Inversion Jaya

Victory of Inversions. We focus on the king and queen: Sirsasana and Sarvangasana. These postures have very powerful energetic benefits; but remember, benefits will only flow if the hold is comfortable. It is recommended to watch the Studio series, "The Science of Asana", and Asana Tutorials on "Sirsasana: the Headstand" and "Sarvangasana: Shoulder-Stand" Class Outline: - Opening Mantra - Table Top Check-in - Surya Namaskar - Long Sirsasana - Long Sarvangasana - Halasana (plow) - Matsyasana (fish) - Paschimottanasana - Bhujangasana - Dhanurasana (bow) - Table Top Twist - Handstand (option) - Standing Fold - Final Relaxation - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama