Hatha for Hand Balancing

If handstands and hand balances are your thing, this 35-minute advanced level practice is for you. Enjoy an effective warm-up, explore floating wrists taps, press walks and a variety of challenging hand balance asana. Class Description: - Table Top Wrist Warm-Up - Table Top Cat Cows - Down Dog Arrival - Down Dog Waves - Vinyasa - Low Lunge - Standing Forward Fold - Sun Salutation A - Twisted Chair - Revolved Side Angle - Press Walks - Classic Crow - Floating Forward - Floating to Wrist Taps - Twisting Cobra - Navasana - Knees to Navasana - Awkward Plank Work - 3-Legged Dog - Half Pigeon - Standing Forward Fold - Standing Figure 4 - Grasshopper - Side Crow Option - Final Relaxation

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama