Community Classes: Class 3: 60min

Following the Community Class structure, this practice includes Sanskrit opening, gentle warm and preparatory exercises, uplifting yoga flow, classical hatha asana and a few challenging moments. Class Description: - Seated Sway - Seated Cat-Cows - Seated Twist - Twisting CAR Cat-Cows - Table Top Arrival - Down Dog Arrival - 3-Legged Dog (options) - Low Lunge + Open Wrists - Surya Namaskar - High Lunge - Shoulder Tap Challenge - Lunging Open Twist - Grounded Twist - Scandasana - Chair Pose - Revolved Right Angle - Shoulderstand Sequence - Supine Stretches - Paschimottanasana - Reverse Table Top Pulse - Single Leg Bridge Abduction - Bridge to Bow - Side Crow - Knees to Navasana - Standing Forward Fold - Triangle Pose - Guided Relaxation

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama