Community Classes: Class 2: 60min

The second class within this Series features more functional movement, classical asana such as sarvangasana and uplifting yoga flows. Warm-up includes one of Rama's all-time favourite techniques: The Horse Stance. Class Description: - Table Top Wrists - Table Top Cat Cows - Down Dog Arrival - 3-Legged Dog (options) - Outer Hip Opener - Side Plank - Malasana Mobility - Wide Leg Forward Fold - Horse Stance Wrists - Surya Namaskar - Standing Balance - Step Back High Lunge - Back Knee Pulses - Front Knee Pulses - Lounging Lizard - Scandasana - Supine Stretches - Shoulder-stand Sequence - Paschimottanasana - Wide Leg Fold + Lateral Bending - Incline Plane - Camel Pose - Mayurasana - Seated Spinal - Half Pigeon - Relaxation

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama