Community Classes: Class 1: 45min

Set the atmosphere with special opening chant designed to invoke peacefulness throughout the practice. Compared to the 60-minute version of Class 1, this 45-minute practice omits some functional movement patterns and shortens time spent moving through the main flow. Class Description: - Table Top Wrists - Table Top Cat Cows - Down Dog Arrival - 3-Legged Dog - Lizard (options) - Surya Namaskar - Step Back High Lunge - Back Knee Pulse - Warrior 2 - Right Angle - Reverse Warrior - Low Lunge - Modified Split - Headstand (options) - Twisting Cobra - Cobra - Bow Pose - Knees to Navasana - Crow Pose - Standing Forward Fold - Triangle Pose - Guided Relaxation

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama