Advanced, but Basic Hatha

The key to “Mastery” is doing basic fundamentals in an advanced way. This class isn’t fancy. But aim to perform all postures and practices in an advanced way. Class Description: - Initial Relaxation - Down Dog Arrival - Lounging Lizard - Vinyasa - Standing Forward Fold - Surya Namaskar - Trikonasana - Lateral Lunge Sequence - Standing Wide Leg Fold - Scandasana Mobility - Childs Pose - Sirsasana - Kneeling Observation - Wide Leg Roll to: - Sarvangasana - Halasana - Transition to Bridge - Matsyasana - Paschimottanasana - Purvotanasana - Half Pigeon - Bhujangasana - Dhanurasana - Arda Matsyandrasana - Hand Balance Option - Final Relaxation

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama