Technical Foundations Blueprint

From asana tutorials, to holistic techniques for enhancing proficiency and well-being. This showcase features everything you need to know to develop your technical foundations.

Yoga is 99% practice and only 1% theory .. The Technical Foundations Blueprint is all about exploring that 1% by taking a closer look at important background information. Learn to release tension. Dive into holistic movement patterns such as spinal waves. Challenge coordination and body mechanics with puzzling footwork patterns. This course is all about inspiring change, in all the best ways.

Course Content

Module 1

Yoga Asana: Explained

This module explores technical components of, and common errors for a variety of asana and exercises. Remember, movement can be medicine or poison and the defining factor, is you. Move well. Feel well. Be Well.

Module 2

Spinal Wave 101

The spinal column is one of the most important aspects of our physical system. In many ways, learning how to positively manipulate the spine, is the key to unlocking ones higher potential.

Module 3

Asana Conditioning

Shorter classes with brief 5-minute workshops to open each session and discuss an important aspect of yoga technicality. Expect effective warm-ups, challenging core patterns, functional flows and restorative cool-downs.

Module 4

Breathe Well to Move Well

If the breath isn't flowing efficiently, the body won't move efficiently. The quality of your breath will determine the quality of your movement. Don't rush to go beyond this first module.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions