The Samadhi Sequence

A personal favourite, this advanced level practice was filmed at Samadhi Sacred Valley, set in the stunning mountains of Peru. Class Outline: - Opening Mantra - Grounding Breath - Table Top Wrists - Sun Salutation A - High Crescent Lunge - Functional Lunging - Pyramid Pose - Toe Squat Challenge - 'HollowBati' Core - Alternating Leg Lifts - Supine Stretches - Sarvangasana - Ardha Halasana - Halasana - Matsyasana - Paschimottanasana - Janu Sirsasana Variations - Purvottanasana - Arsha Matsyandrasana - Crow or Peacock - Guided Final Relaxation - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama