Advanced Functional Hatha

Enjoy a dynamic full-body warm-up, creatively connected asana and opportunities to experience more advanced variations on your favourite postures. Class Outline: - Opening Mantra - Standing Twist - Lunging Twist - Standing Straddle - Table Top Wrists - Down Dog Check-in - 3-Legged Dog - Outer Hip Opener - Sun Salutation A - Handstand Options - Modified 3-Legged Dog - to Awkward Plank - Lounging Lizard - Standing Balance Challenge - Hand Balance Options - Press Walks - Crow Pose - Floating Forward - Twisting Cobra - Functional Cobra - Plank Pose - Side Plank - Half Pigeon - Ardha Matsyandrasana - Malasana - Functional Squat Patterns - Padahastasana - Trikonasana - Final Relaxation - Closing Mantra

Your Teacher
Daniel Rama